Launch of Salesforce Nature Positive Strategy

Salesforce has launched its Nature Positive Strategy which we had the pleasure of working with their Climate & Nature team to help develop. This builds on and reinforces their Climate Action Plan and is an ambitious and forward-looking strategy which sets out Salesforce's commitment to:

#1 Measure, manage and develop a plan to reduce their direct impacts and dependencies on nature, including joining the TNFD’s pilot this year.
#2 Lead on nature restoration at scale including the purchase of 1 million tons of high quality blue carbon credits; the conservation, restoration and growth of 100 million trees; and the distribution of $100m via their Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Justice Fund.
#3 Accelerate customer success and the nature positive movement by helping to support their customers on their net zero, nature positive journey with Salesforce technology, products and services.

The ethos behind the strategy recognises the dependence of business on nature and takes an integrated approach to climate and nature. It also places people and climate justice at the heart of the strategy with an emphasis on Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples. It goes beyond viewing nature as just a risk or cost for business and into opportunities for value creation by bringing forward the power and ingenuity of the private sector.

In our view it’s a sign of real leadership that Salesforce has chosen to develop and share a Nature Positive Strategy at a time when so few companies have done so globally — WBA's 2022 Nature Benchmark identified that 97% of businesses sampled had yet to commit to a nature positive trajectory by 2030.

The strategy is live and evolving, as is nature, and recognises the importance of learning and working in collaboration with a broad set of stakeholders, customers and the wider nature positive movement as it grows.

“The power and ingenuity of the private sector will be critical in addressing the nature crisis. It is very encouraging to see corporate leaders like Salesforce establishing a Nature Positive Strategy for their business and leveraging their influence for the protection and restoration of the natural ecosystems that we all rely upon.” – Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace and renowned ethologist and conservationist. 

“For Salesforce, incorporating nature into our decision-making is not only about managing risks and costs, but also about value creation, innovation, and collaboration. We’re excited to bring the full power of Salesforce to our customers, partners, and ecopreneurs so they too can be part of shaping a net zero, nature positive future.” – Suzanne DiBianca, EVP & Chief Impact Officer of ESG and Sustainability, Salesforce.

🌊 Download Salesforce’s short strategy overview including helpful insights and resources for businesses pursuing their own nature positive strategy and journey.

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